Saturday, December 10, 2005

christmus among us

I am a bit sick, I have a bacteria party going on in my throat right now, so I am the sneeze queen at the moment!

So it is almost Christmas time, and my sis is not going to be home for christmas.....she rather be in nice and FREEZING cold Michigan.
But, that won't spoil my xmas. I took some video of some cute xmas lights near my house.....oh the xmas decorations.....they're so cute!

I am also moving out from my parents, and I told my mom this past wednesday and she did not take it very well, AT ALL. She gave me the pouty lip, the guilt trips, the countless "but...." so yeah, she doesn't want me to move out. Which I understand, but I am tired of driving 60miles each day, I don't do that well in school because I am exhausted all the time from waking up so early and stress from traffic. But she doesn't understand that!

Last week my parents and moi went to the brand spanking new Georgia Aquarium to check it out, and wow it is truly one spectacular sight! It has a "ginormous" viewing window of some gigantic whale sharks! This acrylic window was made in Japan! I wonder if it was brought by boat or by plane? It is like 65feet wide by 20 something feet tall!

There were also lots of cute fishies in other displays at the aquarium, there were African penguins = penguins rule, and beluga whales who were very photogenic, and also some octopus and jelly fish, and also sea horses........but the sea horses area was soooooooooooooooo crowded i didn't see them!

Anyways, this coming week is the last week of school = finals week. But it will be easy, unlike next semester, I am not looking forward next semester, because I'm going to take this senior design course and there are SOOOOOO MANY presentations for it, I can't even imagine. And we are working with Home depot and we are going to present to the senior manager of transportation. OMG. If we do a good job, we will land jobs there......oh the pressure!

In other news, I watched "Flightplan" with Ricky last night, it was mediocre. I was surprised, because Jodie Foster is a "respected" actress, I mean she worked with Amelie, her choices in movies are usually good. Plus she speaks french so she's cool in my book. But this movie was crap! the beginning sounded like some weird Sixth sense writer type of movie = cool, but after take off things went downhill. If I were you, I'd skip this one until it's a $1.99 rental at blockbuster.