Saturday, April 16, 2005

Summer Time is Almost Upos Us


today is a beautiful day in Atlanta. I dont know about the lovely allergies people suffer from pollen, so spring is a good time for me. Specially, when we only have 3 weeks left of school. Then it's all May and then June 11th, I go back to France in less than 6 months!
I am finally going there to study French in France, isn't that great?
It's always been a dream of mine to do what I am going to do this summer. Although, not sure if it'll cost me an extra semester to graduate, which I hope it won't because if i move down to school, I'll have more time to do stuff other than driving all over Atlanta.

Well, now that the new Garbage cd came out this past Tuesday, I have been very careful to check the Late Night shows to see who their "musical guest" is every night, because you never know....Garbage might be their musical guest one of these days, and I'd hate to miss that show!!
I've been listening to the new Garbage cd, and it's "alright" although they went back to their more techno/pop sound, I think their older stuff is much better.
But hey, I could never write music, so I can't be bitching about it!!
However, I am liking the "Sex is not the enemy" song. But I still think the Gwen Stefani's song "Rich Girl" is the best fun song that has come out in a long time!!

Last night, I went out with my beloved boyfriend for a typical date night, dinner and a movie, but I like doing that, it is very fun. We went to one of our favorite restaurants, a Greek restaurant and ordered Greek style pizza with gyro meat and pineapple.....yummy!!!!!!
But until last night, I realized they sell "Philly cheese steaks" there!!!!!!!! and we've been going to that restaurant for like 2-3 years now!!!!!!!
Which is funny, because they say on the menu that the pizza is "original athens recipe" but in Philadelphia we found a "joint" that sells the same "original athens recipe" style pizza!
Same "original" recipe, 2 different cities.....what are the odds that we found both?
And the movie we went to see was Sahara (ahem, and Fever Pitch) liked both a lot!!

Anyways, I finished reading "the da vinci code!" I could NOT put it down, I had to finish it asap!! I love those mystery/religious history/detective stories!
Specially, when they are set in Paris!!
Definitely, glad I read the book, because there are so many shows on "the Code" and I know what they are talking about!!

I am so glad that Blockbuster doesn't have those horrible late fees. Because I forgot to return a movie on Wednesday! oops is that time of the year when people start working out again for summer. And yours truly is no exception.
I am doing "the firm" and whatever they same about the firm, it is all true, it definitely works!!

Oui, it is that time I must go do the stuff in my "to do list"

à Bientôt!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay I can see your blog. I love it!! welcome to the blog world!! irashyai maseeeeeee!


4/17/2005 5:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay I can see your blog. I love it!! welcome to the blog world!! irashyai maseeeeeee!


4/17/2005 5:05 AM  

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