Tuesday, November 08, 2005

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Oh la la France!! Posted by Picasa

What a day

Well, this is the first time I am blogging my life since like May! I just checked out a friend's blog and it is pretty cool =)
Today at school....GA Tech, I finally met the guys I'm gonna be working with for the entire next semester. I MUST take this ISYE (Industrial & Systems Engineering) class called "Senior design" so we have to pick a company to work with THIS semester, for NEXT semester. So it is pretty serious. The guys seem nice, the beer drinking type.

Anyways, I hadn't returned the movie "Bewitched" to netflix from a week ago, and I thought it was time to return it, but I hadn't watched the movie yet, so Ricky and I watched it tonight.....Will Ferrell just tries too hard to be funny.

Then, while I was driving home, I saw a shooting star!!!!! I swear!!!!!!!
That put a big shiny smile on my face!! I had actually been wanting to see a shooting star for a while.....don't ask.

Well, for more worldly news, I cannot believe what is happening in France!! I am sorry, but the French Muslim community SHOULD be ashamed of themselves, that is NO WAY of getting people's attention in the POSITIVE way!!!!!!!!!
And why hasn't the French government put a stop to this? Monsieur Chirac, s'il vous plaît ARRÊTEZ-LE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just too SHAMEFUL!!!!!
I am very fond of France, and I spent 6 weeks there this summer, so this is a very sad thing for me to hear that this is happening!!!!!!!

Well....enough about more worldly news, I am ADDICTED TO ALIAS!!!!!! Yes folks, you heard it, I had known for a while that that show was good, eventhough I had never really attentatively watched it on an ongoing basis, so I put it on my netflix queue.....holy crap I love the show! SPIES, PROPHECIES, the girl's name is SYDNEY (I have a thing for Sydney, Australia, and I am going to name my first daughter Sydney), GADGETS, TRAVELING ALL OVER THE WORLD on a daily/weekly basis, FOREIGN LANGUAGES.....what else can a girl ask for?
YES I have been told the show 24 is good.......but I still am on Alias season 1, so give me some time!! ;)

So that's about it for the time being.....