Saturday, December 10, 2005

christmus among us

I am a bit sick, I have a bacteria party going on in my throat right now, so I am the sneeze queen at the moment!

So it is almost Christmas time, and my sis is not going to be home for christmas.....she rather be in nice and FREEZING cold Michigan.
But, that won't spoil my xmas. I took some video of some cute xmas lights near my house.....oh the xmas decorations.....they're so cute!

I am also moving out from my parents, and I told my mom this past wednesday and she did not take it very well, AT ALL. She gave me the pouty lip, the guilt trips, the countless "but...." so yeah, she doesn't want me to move out. Which I understand, but I am tired of driving 60miles each day, I don't do that well in school because I am exhausted all the time from waking up so early and stress from traffic. But she doesn't understand that!

Last week my parents and moi went to the brand spanking new Georgia Aquarium to check it out, and wow it is truly one spectacular sight! It has a "ginormous" viewing window of some gigantic whale sharks! This acrylic window was made in Japan! I wonder if it was brought by boat or by plane? It is like 65feet wide by 20 something feet tall!

There were also lots of cute fishies in other displays at the aquarium, there were African penguins = penguins rule, and beluga whales who were very photogenic, and also some octopus and jelly fish, and also sea horses........but the sea horses area was soooooooooooooooo crowded i didn't see them!

Anyways, this coming week is the last week of school = finals week. But it will be easy, unlike next semester, I am not looking forward next semester, because I'm going to take this senior design course and there are SOOOOOO MANY presentations for it, I can't even imagine. And we are working with Home depot and we are going to present to the senior manager of transportation. OMG. If we do a good job, we will land jobs there......oh the pressure!

In other news, I watched "Flightplan" with Ricky last night, it was mediocre. I was surprised, because Jodie Foster is a "respected" actress, I mean she worked with Amelie, her choices in movies are usually good. Plus she speaks french so she's cool in my book. But this movie was crap! the beginning sounded like some weird Sixth sense writer type of movie = cool, but after take off things went downhill. If I were you, I'd skip this one until it's a $1.99 rental at blockbuster.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Where have I been?

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Oh la la France!! Posted by Picasa

What a day

Well, this is the first time I am blogging my life since like May! I just checked out a friend's blog and it is pretty cool =)
Today at school....GA Tech, I finally met the guys I'm gonna be working with for the entire next semester. I MUST take this ISYE (Industrial & Systems Engineering) class called "Senior design" so we have to pick a company to work with THIS semester, for NEXT semester. So it is pretty serious. The guys seem nice, the beer drinking type.

Anyways, I hadn't returned the movie "Bewitched" to netflix from a week ago, and I thought it was time to return it, but I hadn't watched the movie yet, so Ricky and I watched it tonight.....Will Ferrell just tries too hard to be funny.

Then, while I was driving home, I saw a shooting star!!!!! I swear!!!!!!!
That put a big shiny smile on my face!! I had actually been wanting to see a shooting star for a while.....don't ask.

Well, for more worldly news, I cannot believe what is happening in France!! I am sorry, but the French Muslim community SHOULD be ashamed of themselves, that is NO WAY of getting people's attention in the POSITIVE way!!!!!!!!!
And why hasn't the French government put a stop to this? Monsieur Chirac, s'il vous plaît ARRÊTEZ-LE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just too SHAMEFUL!!!!!
I am very fond of France, and I spent 6 weeks there this summer, so this is a very sad thing for me to hear that this is happening!!!!!!!

Well....enough about more worldly news, I am ADDICTED TO ALIAS!!!!!! Yes folks, you heard it, I had known for a while that that show was good, eventhough I had never really attentatively watched it on an ongoing basis, so I put it on my netflix queue.....holy crap I love the show! SPIES, PROPHECIES, the girl's name is SYDNEY (I have a thing for Sydney, Australia, and I am going to name my first daughter Sydney), GADGETS, TRAVELING ALL OVER THE WORLD on a daily/weekly basis, FOREIGN LANGUAGES.....what else can a girl ask for?
YES I have been told the show 24 is good.......but I still am on Alias season 1, so give me some time!! ;)

So that's about it for the time being.....

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Summer time is almost here

well today is mother's day, and I just gave my mom her mother's day/birthday is actually her birthday and mother's day today. I got her a perfume from Bath & body works sugar waffer smell, very sweet smell, and also a body wash with rasberry smell! She liked both! =)
Also, my parents and I went to this restaurant that sells bison hamburgers. They are very tasty and bison meat doesn't have that much cholesterol/fat!

Last night, it was Katie's, one of my good friend's graduation, from Georgia Tech. She threw a party with her fiancé (both graduated yesterday). And the party was at her oldest brother's house.....the living room has a stage! with "live" music and everything was the entertainment!! was loads of fun.
So yes, i am done with this semester, I only have 3 semesters left, and one of those is in France....aren't I a lucky girl?
Speaking of....I got to go to the French consulate in Atlanta tomorrow or tuesday, so I can get my French visa!! woohoo!

well...c'est tout!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Summer Time is Almost Upos Us


today is a beautiful day in Atlanta. I dont know about the lovely allergies people suffer from pollen, so spring is a good time for me. Specially, when we only have 3 weeks left of school. Then it's all May and then June 11th, I go back to France in less than 6 months!
I am finally going there to study French in France, isn't that great?
It's always been a dream of mine to do what I am going to do this summer. Although, not sure if it'll cost me an extra semester to graduate, which I hope it won't because if i move down to school, I'll have more time to do stuff other than driving all over Atlanta.

Well, now that the new Garbage cd came out this past Tuesday, I have been very careful to check the Late Night shows to see who their "musical guest" is every night, because you never know....Garbage might be their musical guest one of these days, and I'd hate to miss that show!!
I've been listening to the new Garbage cd, and it's "alright" although they went back to their more techno/pop sound, I think their older stuff is much better.
But hey, I could never write music, so I can't be bitching about it!!
However, I am liking the "Sex is not the enemy" song. But I still think the Gwen Stefani's song "Rich Girl" is the best fun song that has come out in a long time!!

Last night, I went out with my beloved boyfriend for a typical date night, dinner and a movie, but I like doing that, it is very fun. We went to one of our favorite restaurants, a Greek restaurant and ordered Greek style pizza with gyro meat and pineapple.....yummy!!!!!!
But until last night, I realized they sell "Philly cheese steaks" there!!!!!!!! and we've been going to that restaurant for like 2-3 years now!!!!!!!
Which is funny, because they say on the menu that the pizza is "original athens recipe" but in Philadelphia we found a "joint" that sells the same "original athens recipe" style pizza!
Same "original" recipe, 2 different cities.....what are the odds that we found both?
And the movie we went to see was Sahara (ahem, and Fever Pitch) liked both a lot!!

Anyways, I finished reading "the da vinci code!" I could NOT put it down, I had to finish it asap!! I love those mystery/religious history/detective stories!
Specially, when they are set in Paris!!
Definitely, glad I read the book, because there are so many shows on "the Code" and I know what they are talking about!!

I am so glad that Blockbuster doesn't have those horrible late fees. Because I forgot to return a movie on Wednesday! oops is that time of the year when people start working out again for summer. And yours truly is no exception.
I am doing "the firm" and whatever they same about the firm, it is all true, it definitely works!!

Oui, it is that time I must go do the stuff in my "to do list"

à Bientôt!!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Last week

well last wednesday i went to the office of international education to get a refund on the drinks i bought for the egypt night, and i casually asked the girls there about the french LBAT (french language business and technology) which is a 6 week 3 course french courses taught in Toulouse, France. I thought it was too late (deadline was Feb 15th) but they called up the program coordinator, et voila, she said i could apply. So i applied, wrote an essay and paid a deposit, and now im going to France for 6 weeks!!
I tried to get my mom on going but plane tickets right now are $1000+ ....thats a bit too much!
i'd rather go to Asia if i had to pay $1000!!!!!!!!!!! for plane tickets!!!!!!!!!
Also, this week, my sister bought tickets to go to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand! gotta love it, Asia RULES!!!!!!!!!
besides that, i have worked out twice this week.......woohoo!!!!!!
and i got a test on tuesday for my math class!!!!!!
but besides that nothing is new............traffic again was annoying today!
im tired of driving 45+ mins a day to school and 45+ mins driving home 5 times a week!
thats almost 10hrs of driving a week!!!!!!!!!
well thats it. it is 1:48am and i should be counting zZzz right now!!!!!!!!!!!
Till next